Els Verstrynge is an associate professor in the Materials and Structures der Group of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven, Belgium). Her research aims to improve the safety and durability of existing infrastructures and historic structures through multilevel analyses of damage and deterioration, ranging from materials to the supporting structure. She investigates time-dependent degradation processes in masonry and reinforced concrete structures using advanced non-destructive testing methods as well as experimental and computational methods.
Dr. Verstrynge graduated from KU Leuven in 2006 with a Master’s degree in Engineering-Architecture. In 2010, she defended her PhD thesis on “Long-term behavior of monumental masonry structures: Modeling and probabilistic evaluation”. She then received a postdoctoral fellowship from the Research Foundation of Flanders (FWO) to continue her research on advanced techniques for damage monitoring. She completed research stays at Delft University of Technology (2009), University of Minho in Portugal (2012), and Stanford University (2016).
- ISCARSAH (International Scientific Committee of ICOMOS for the Analysis and Restoration of Architectural Heritage Structures)
- WTA-NL-VL (Scientific-Technical Association for the Preservation of Buildings and Monuments, Netherlands-Flanders), board member and head of the working group „Damage Monitoring“
- Fib
- Editorial Board Construction and Building Materials
- Editorial Board International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation
An up-to-date overview of Els Verstrynge’s publications can be found on the Lirias platform of KU Leuven.
Further information can be found on Els Verstrynge’s homepage in the KU Leuven Who’s Who.

Contact data
prof. dr. ir.‐arch. Els Verstrynge
E-Mail: els.verstrynge[at]kuleuven.be
Web: www.bwk.kuleuven.be/mat
KU Leuven
Civil Engineering Department
Materials and Constructions Division
Kasteelpark Arenberg 40
B-3001 Heverlee