Appreciation and Communication of construction inherent values. Heritage theoretical and practical challenges in dealing with engineering achievements of the ultramodern age
The sub project focuses on the intangible, construction-inherent values that generate the material cultural heritage of structural construction. These values, which are based on structure-specific knowledge, technical processes or innovations, have not yet been sufficiently included in the assessment of historic monuments. Therefore, the fundamental goal of the project is to substantiate and (further) develop the methods and practices for the assessment, preservation and communication of these inherent construction values.
It is a cross-sectional project within the SPP 2255, incorporates results from the first funding phase, contributes its results to the overall project and further develops impulses from the ongoing subprojects. Furthermore, the project aims at the transfer from and to the relevant professional discourses. The aim is to link the research fields of construction-focused cultural heritage with the heritage debates and thus to make the current theoretical discussions fruitful for the SPP project. In the field of structural engineering, the project aims to promote a fundamental understanding of alternating evaluations and valorizations of objects in the various disciplines.
At the same time, the project aims to bring the topic of construction heritage into the debates on architectural conservation and heritage and to inform them with the wealthy knowledge of the heritage of structural-engineering. Finally, targeted communication strategies are to be used to raise awareness for the expansion of the instruments of preservation and to specify the application of the category “scientific reasons” that is stated in the federal laws for monument protection.