M.A. Baris Wenzel

Co-responsible for the acquisition, cataloguing, digitization and publication of all basic data of the subproject.
Strong interest in polygon meshes (and graph theory) and their applications in architecture and civil engineering, as well as digital fabrication.

work experience

  • since 08.2021 : knippershelbig GmbH as facade designer
  • since 02.2021 : Grupo kinetica SA de CV as Branch manager Europe
  • 03.2019-02.2021: Grupo kinetica SA de CV as architect/computational designer
  • 08.2016-02.2019: FR-EE Fernando Romero Enterprise Mexico as architect/computational designer
  • 01.2016-08.2106: slot-studio Mexico as architect/computational designer


  • since 2021: Doctoral studies in architecture at the Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck
  • 2016: Master of Architecture at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences

Contact data

M.A. Baris Wenzel

E-Mail: baris.wenzel@h-ka.de
Web: www.h-ka.de
Tel: +49(0)721-925-2748

Hochschule Karlsruhe
Moltkestraße 30
76133 Karlsruhe

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