Dr.-Eng. Peter Schneider, M. Sc.

Action leaves traces. Learning to read and interpret them opens up the chance to also recognize aspects that are not directly expressed in a written tradition, but are nevertheless of importance. For an understanding of the built world, this is an essential potential of archaeological building research.

work experience

  • 2006-2012:German Archaeological Institute Berlin, Architecture Department, Research Associate
  • 2014-2016: BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Department of Building History, Visiting Professorship “Building Archaeology and Site Conservation”
  • 2016-2019: BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Department of Historic Preservation & Department of Building History, research associate, teaching in the course “Heritage Conservation and Site Management”.
  • since 2019: BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Department of Building History, DFG project “The building history research of the F1 in Peenemünde as a contribution to the archaeological development of material legacies at contaminated cultural heritage sites”

Essays, Lectures and Publications

  • 2021: Die Historische und Archäologische Bauforschung als Stakeholder einer Archäologie der Moderne, in: Archäologische Informationen 43 (2021), 139-147
  • 2021: Kontaminierte Fundstellen in der Archäologie der Moderne, in: Archäologische Informationen 43 (2021), 149-158 – zus. m. C. Röhl
  • 2021: Die archäologische Bauforschung – eine disziplinierte Architekturwissenschaft?, in: J. Almarza Anwandter – J. Bovelet – M. Dürfeld – E. M. Froschauer – C. Neubert – P. I. Schneider – G. Weckherlin (Hrsg.), Architekturwissenschaft. Vom Suffix zur Agenda. Forum Architekturwissenschaft 5 (Berlin 2021), 156-173
  • 2021: F1 (Fertigungshalle 1) and the Material Remains of the Former Heeresversuchsanstalt Peenemünde, in: C. Machat – J. Ziesemer (Hrsg.), Heritage at Risk. World Report 2016-2019 on Monuments and Sites in Danger (Berlin 2021), 65-68 – zus. m. C. Röhl
  • 2020: The Material Remains of the Former Heeresversuchsanstalt Peenemünde between Mythicization. Uncomfortable Heritage and Reclamation, in: F. Jürgens – U. Müller (Hrsg.), Archäologie der Moderne. Standpunkte und Perspektiven. Historische Archäologie Sonderband 2020 (Bonn 2020), 289-331 – zus. m. C. Röhl
  • 2017: Coping with Concrete and Contamination. Lessons to Learned from the Archaeological Investigation of the Missile Factory Building F1 at Peenemünde, in: P. I. Schneider (Hrsg.), Catastrophe and Challenge: Cultural Heritage in Post-Conflict Recovery. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Heritage Conservation and Site Management, December 5-7, 2016, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg (Cottbus 2017), 83-98 – zus. m. C. Röhl

Contact data

Dr.-Eng. Peter Schneider, M. Sc.

E-Mail: schneidp[at]b-tu.de
Web: www.b-tu.de/…/peter-i-schneider
Tel.: +40 (0)355 69 4672

BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
FB Baugeschichte
Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 4
03046 Cottbus

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