Christoph Dauberschmidt is Professor of Building Materials Science and Building Conservation at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich since 2009 and is head of the Institute for Materials and Building Research. He is interested in the durability and repair of reinforced concrete structures. In the SPP subproject “Historical Repairs“, he investigates, among other things, the aspect of the durability of previous repairs.
- Since 2019: Head of the Institute for Materials and Building Research at Munich University of Applied Sciences
- Since April 2010: Shareholder of Ingenieurgesellschaft Prof. Dauberschmidt und Vestner mbH
- April 2009: Appointment as Professor at the Munich University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Head of the Building Materials Laboratory
- 2005 to 2009: Collaboration in the engineering office of Prof. Schießl and Schießl Gehlen Sodeikat GmbH as project and team leader
- 1999 to 2005: Research assistant and team leader at the Institute for Building Research (ibac) at RWTH Aachen University with a doctorate on “Chloride-induced corrosion of steel fibers in concrete”
- 1995 to 1998: Collaboration in the structural and object planning office IBTB in Berlin as project manager
- 1989 to 1994: Civil engineering studies at the Technical University of Munich
Awarded the Hans Scholz Prize
- 2021: Dauberschmidt, C., Breit, W., Becker, F. and Celebi, A. (2021), Instandsetzung von chloridbelasteten Bauteilen durch Applikation einer Beschichtung. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, 116: 248-261.
- 2020: Fraundorfer, A., Vestner, S. and Dauberschmidt, C. (2020), Instandsetzungen von
Parkhauszwischendecken nach dem Prinzip des kathodischen Korrosionsschutzes:
Untersuchungen zum Schutznachweis bei Trennrissen. Bautechnik.
doi:10.1002/bate.201900066. - 2020: Mayer, T.F., Dauberschmidt, C., Bruns, M., Eichler, T., Wiens, U., Mietz, J., Gehlen, C.,
Ebell, G., Gerhard, G. and Osterminski, K. (2020), Das Instandsetzungsprinzip W-Cl.
Bautechnik, 97: 2-10. doi:10.1002/bate.201900083. - 2018: Mayer, T.F., Harnisch, J., Ebell, G. and Dauberschmidt, C. (2018), Korrosionsmonitoring von
Stahlbetonbauwerken. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, 113: 632-639.
doi:10.1002/best.201800026. - 2014: Peck, M. (Herausgeber), Dauberschmidt, C., et al: Modern Concrete Construction Manual
Structural Design, Material Properties, Sustainability. Verlag: Institut für intern. Architektur-
Dokumentation; Auflage: 1 (September 2014). ISBN 9783955532062. - 2007: Raupach, M.; Dauberschmidt, C.; Wolff, L.; Harnisch, J.: Monitoring der Feuchteverteilung in
Beton – Sensorik und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. In: Beton 57 (2007), Nr. 1. - 2006: Dauberschmidt, C.: Untersuchungen zu den Korrosionsmechanismen von Stahlfasern in
chloridhaltigem Beton. Dissertation, RWTH Aachen, 03 Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen,
2006. - 2001: Raupach, M.; Dauberschmidt, C.: Macrocell Corrosion of Reinforcement in the Areas of
Cracks of High Performance Concrete.Vancouver : University of British Columbia, 2001. – In:
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Concrete Under Severe Conditions
Environment and Loading, Vancouver, 18-20 June 2001, (Banthia, N. (Ed.)), Vol. 2, S. 1506-
- Technical Committee of the BÜV (Bau-Überwachungsverein) – Working Group “Building Conservation, Repair and Monitoring”
- DBV (Deutscher Beton- und Bautechnikverein)
- Consulting Engineer of the Bavarian Chamber of Engineers Construction
- DGZfP (German Society for Non-Destructive Testing) UA NDT in Construction
- Lecturer at the Munich University of Applied Sciences for the teaching area of building materials, concrete technology, repair
- Course “Building inspection according to DIN 1076” and since 2013 also the practical course for engineers of structural testing according to DIN 1076 at the Bauakademie Feuchtwangen
- Certification course “Expert Planner for Repair” of the BÜV

Contact details
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Dauberschmidt
Telefon: +49 89 1265 2688
Institute for Materials and Building Research
University of Applied Sciences Munich
Karlstraße 6
80333 München