Research associate at the Professorship of Recent Building Heritage Conservation at TUM School of Engineering and Design, Technical University of Munich.
Professional Experience
- Since 2021: research associate at the Professorship of Recent Building Heritage Conservation at TU Munich, Prof. Andreas Putz.
- Work experience: as an employed architect in Basel at Herzog & de Meuron and HHF Architects as well as in Zurich at Nater Kretz Architekten – 10 years of experience in design, execution planning and construction management focusing on existing and/ or listed buildings.
- University: studied architecture at TU Dresden and Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Paris-Belleville. Graduation thesis at Chair of Architectual Conservation and Design at TU Dresden, Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Will M. Arch. (Cornell).
- …coming soon…
- News: On December 1st 2021 we’ll meet for the first time at Common Ground Monatstreff, a monthly online-meeting for editors of the SPP
- Common Ground #1 / Construction History: We’ve just organized the first one of the annual workshop Common Ground for editors of the SPP – it took place on November 12th 2021 in Cottbus.

Contact details
Dipl.-Ing. Elisabeth Hinz
Telefon: +49 (0) 89 289 292 46
Professorship of Recent Building Heritage Conservation
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Technical University of Munich
Arcisstr. 21/III
80333 Munich