Exhibition “Impressions and Discoveries”

A two-week exhibition in the architecture pavilion at the TU Braunschweig presents the fields of work of the eleven sub-projects of SPP 2255 to a wider public. In addition to general information, interesting objects and impressions from the respective activities within the framework of the work will be presented.

On display are numerous original components, material samples, unusual PR items, etc.

  • Bridge bearings and rollers, rivets
  • concrete angle reinforced with carbon fibre
  • Drill samples
  • Lamella of a Junkers arch hall
  • Node of the MERO system
  • IfI, RTR nodes of steel space supporting structures of VEB Metalleichtbaukominat
  • Section of a nailboard truss according to “System Kroher
  • Model construction kits of the companies Mannesmann and MERO
  • Models for trade fair presentations of the VEB Metalleichtbaukominat
  • Reproductions of historical engineering measurement model




Opening hours

Tuesday, 27.06.2023, 08:00-16:00
Wednesday, 28.06.2023, 9:00-12:00
Thursday, 29.06.2023, 9:00-17:00 hrs
Friday, 30.06.2023, 9:00-12:00 hrs

Monday, 03.07.2023, 9:00-11:00 h and 13:00-16:00 h
Tuesday, 04.07.2023, 9:00-19:30 hrs
Wednesday, 05.07.2023, 9:00-17:00 hrs
Thursday, 06.07.2023, 9:00-18:00 hrs


Further Veranstaltung, öffentliche Veranstaltung Aktivitäten