The first annual meeting of the DFG priority program Cultural Heritage Construction gave participants from the various subprojects an insight into related issues and research methods as well as opportunities for intensive professional exchange and networking. Lectures, discussions and site visits offered opportunities to look beyond the boundaries of one’s own disciplines, both in terms of one’s own project work and in relation to the annual theme 2021 “Building at the Limit”.

First physical meeting of SPP 2255 contributors
As a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, only one of three components of the first annual meeting of SPP 2255 could be held in the fall of 2021, with the “Building at the Limit” think tank , which was held as a hybrid event. In May 2022, the remaining parts were then done in Cottbus. This finally gave the participants in the subprojects, which are spread across 19 different locations in Germany and Austria, the opportunity to discuss technical issues directly with each other and, above all, to get to know each other personally. For a priority program that has the goal of forming new networks extend beyond the narrower professional boundaries, this circumstance was of extraordinary importance after numerous virtual events in the already approximately 1 ½ years of SPP 2255.

Interim balance of the work in the individual subprojects
SPP 2255 is committed to the principle of transdisciplinary open-mindedness. At the first annual meeting of the priority program, the focus was on an interim review of the work in the individual subprojects. In a tour d’horizon all eleven subprojects presented brief descriptions of the status achieved, which were then discussed in a large circle in order to provide the participants with suggestions for further work, particularly from an interdisciplinary perspective.
In addition to the work reports of the subprojects, associated projects the processors initiative “Common Ground” took the opportunity to present their topics in the form of poster presentations.

Excursion to “Buildings at the Limit”
In addition to theoretical treatment, direct confrontation is essential when dealing with buildings. On a joint excursion from Cottbus to Berlin, various building complexes were therefore visited on the second day of the annual meeting, in which, on the one hand the annual theme 2021 “Building at the Limit” can be physically experienced due to the challenges overcome during construction and, on the other hand, interesting questions about the practical handling of historical building constructions are raised using practical examples.

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