Workshop sub-projects C3, C4, D1 and D2 “Halls with steel structures on site – Erfurt”

A selection of research projects in the SPP “Cultural Heritage Construction” deals with steel structures in Germany in the high modern era. The respective researchers are investigating different focal points.

Participants from the projects Mass Phenomenon Commercial Hall (C3), Steel and Metal Lightweight Construction in the GDR (C4), Monument Spatial Framework (D1) and Reallabor Cottbus – Development of Construction Methods in the GDR (D2) met in the city of Erfurt on 27 July 2022 for the workshop “Halls with Steel Structures on Site – Erfurt”.
Dipl.-Ing. Volker Mund, managing director and civil engineer of the engineering firm Bauen GmbH, was available to the participants as an expert on dealing with GDR structures and as a discussion partner.

In Erfurt, the redesign and renovation of a large sports hall at the University of Erfurt is currently taking place. The lower ceiling was removed so that the roof structure was largely exposed and the loads on the roof structure were reduced. The roof structure is a space-supporting structure from VEB MLK, see also Steel and Metal Lightweight Construction in the GDR.
In addition to the relevant roof structure, a load-bearing window strip was installed that receives loads from the glazed silicate panels of the facade above it. This had to be taken into account and supported during the renovation measures.
The hall was designed as a type building and adapted for this location in 1985. In 2016, the first renovation drafts were created; in 2022, their implementation started, accompanied by Mr. Mund.

The second structure visited is the former production hall of the Thüringer Stahlbau Erfurt and thus of the VEB there. The steel construction of the roof structure comprises trusses with spans of 50 metres. This structure was built before the division of Germany.
Apart from the addition of tilt brackets, nothing has been changed in the hall construction since then. Only the equipment, such as that of the crane runway, has been adapted.

Finally, the participants, accompanied by Ms Katja Laurenat, property manager in the Office for Building Management of the state capital Erfurt, visited the gymnasium of the state community school.
The building is a “GT 60 L” with a room support structure. What is exciting here is the arrangement of the bars with regard to their different cross-sections and sheet thicknesses. In addition, the columns are arranged under the supporting structure in such a way that one long side represents a cantilever.
So far, only minor renovation work has been carried out in this hall, such as the construction of the baffle wall, the ventilation system as well as the addition of the roof structure and the replacement of the floor. The condition of the roof structure does not currently require any further renovation measures; however, the load-bearing capacity was checked in connection with the collapse of the Bad Reichenhall ice skating and swimming hall.
Mr. Mund reported on other halls of this type whose supports had to be strengthened with tension bands.

The workshop served as an occasion to discuss this form of construction in depth and to address its use in the large halls in the GDR. The buildings visited can be used as learning and teaching objects for the participants.

The applicants for the workshop “Halls with steel structures on site – Erfurt” were Leonhard Wesche und Volker Mende vertreten durch Annkathrin Heinrich. Other participants were Pedro Achanccaray Diaz, Richard Blum, Mena Abdelnour and Konrad Frommelt.

Further Veranstaltung, Workshop Aktivitäten