The highly industrialized construction industry of the GDR produced highly typified load-bearing structures on the basis of standardized construction elements, which in turn were combined in type buildings and used on a mass scale.

A three-day workshop at the Bauhaus University Weimar with the participation of the subprojects A1, C3, C4, D1, D2 and E1 of the SPP 2255 was dedicated to the phenomenon of state-led building typification on East German territory. Away from the classical history of architecture and urban planning, the focus was on the technical-constructive side of building in the GDR and the preservation of the surviving architectural evidence of this.

To kick off the workshop, the technology historian Senior Professor Dr. Thomas Hänseroth addressed the cult of progress and technology in the GDR in his evening lecture, which also decisively shaped the building industry of the socialist state.

The lecture provided the contextual background for the second day of the workshop, which was dominated by lectures and intensive discussions.

While a first block was devoted to various typified structures, a second block focused increasingly on the structures of typification in the close interaction between research and industry. A third block focused on how typified structures from the GDR are dealt with today. On the one hand, their retrofitting was examined on the basis of numerous practical examples, and on the other hand, the handling of the mass-produced, large number of structures in terms of the preservation of historical monuments, which is accompanied by a number of challenges.

On the third and last day of the workshop, the participants went on an excursion to explore selected type buildings in and around Weimar. Here, not only was it possible to understand the content of the previous day using concrete examples, but also to discuss questions of the current use and retrofitting of historical GDR type structures.

The physical well-being was not neglected thanks to the dedicated support of student assistants. An aperitif in the Atelier on campus provided a suitable setting for getting to know each other and for intensive discussions, which were continued on the second evening under the impressions of the insightful lectures in the legendary Residenz Café.

The contents of the workshop will be published in the series “Forschungen zum baukulturellen Erbe der DDR” (“Research on the Architectural Heritage of the GDR”) by the Chair of Historic Preservation and Architectural History at the Bauhaus University Weimar, edited by Prof. Hans-Rudolf Meier.

The workshop will take place from 29.-31 3. 2023 at the Bauhaus University Weimar. A one-day excursion on 31. 3. will explore selected type buildings.

Only a limited number of places are available.

Registration is requested by 31 1. 2023 at

Further Veranstaltung, Workshop Aktivitäten