12. – 14. Oktober 2022, Bauhaus Dessau and Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
The second annual meeting of the DFG Priority Program Cultural Heritage Construction once again provided the participants with opportunities for intensive professional exchange and networking. Lectures, discussion panels and site visits offered opportunities to look beyond the boundaries of one’s own disciplines, both in terms of one’s own project work and in relation to the annual theme 2022 “Authenticity”“.
Common Ground #2 – Historic Preservation
As in the spring, the researchers of the different subprojects, who come from different professional backgrounds, met again this time in the context of the annual meeting of the SPP 2255 for a separate event. Supported by external speakers, the workshop “Common Ground” serves to create common ground with regard to the core disciplines of the SPP. After the focus in Cottbus was on the history of building technology, this time on 11.10.2022 important aspects of the preservation of historical monuments were dealt with.
Thinking Workshop „Authenticity“
The public think tank 2022 on the annual theme „Authenticity“ in the auditorium of the Bauhaus Dessau on 12.10.2022 was the start of the annual meeting of all participants in the SPP 2255. From different perspectives, the levels of meaning of a key concept of monument preservation were explored and its relevance with regard to the cultural heritage construction was discussed.
Excursion to the cultural heritage construction in Dessau
After the theoretical discussion, the 13.10.2022 was dedicated to the confrontation with concrete buildings and the challenges they face. Under the expert guidance of Dr.-Ing. Dorothea Roos (Bauhaus Dessau Foundation) the Bauhaus building was used in the morning as an example to explore the question of what role can be accorded to the ideal of authenticity in the context of dealing with ultra-modern constructions in top works of architectural modernism. In the afternoon, under the leadership of Dr. Andreas Butter (Leibniz Institute for Spatial Social Research, Erkner) various buildings at several locations in Dessau were visited, with particular attention to aspects of the (authentic?) preservation of historical building constructions in the context of industrial heritage in structurally weak regions.
Outlook 2023
The annual meeting 2022 heralded the final phase of the first funding period of SPP 2255, which runs until the end of 2023. On the morning of October 14, 2022, there was first the opportunity to discuss concrete collaborations between individual subprojects at cluster level or in smaller groups in seminar rooms at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences. Afterwards, a general assembly of all participants in SPP 2255 in the Audimax of Anhalt University of Applied Sciences served as an opportunity to look back on the work done so far and to look forward to the currently upcoming call for proposals of the second funding period.
Further Veranstaltung
Workshop Subprojects C2, C3, C4 and E4 – 3D Digitalisation. Limits of 3D capture and digitalisation of complex models.
Kategorie: Veranstaltung, WorkshopPublished on: 1. November 2023
Workshop Subprojects B2, C2 und D2 – “Network Theories “
Kategorie: Veranstaltung, WorkshopPublished on: 15. July 2022
On November 25, 2022, a one-day workshop was held at the Technical University of Munich, which focused on an introduction to actor-network theory and the limits of its applicability in network research in the history of civil engineering. It was open to all SPP members and was jointly organized by the subprojects Plank Trusses (D2), Historic Concrete Repairs (B2) and Physical Models in Civil Engineering (C2).
Kategorie: Veranstaltung, WorkshopPublished on: 10. October 2022
The GDR produced highly typified load-bearing structures based on standardised building elements, which were in turn combined in type buildings. The workshop will focus on the phenomenon of state-led building typification in East Germany, with a consideration of West German type building for contextualisation. In addition to an insight into materials, constructions and development mechanisms, the constructive side of building in the GDR will be addressed and its worthiness of preservation discussed, away from the classical history of architecture and urban development.
The workshop will take place from 29.-31 3. 2023 at the Bauhaus University Weimar. A one-day excursion on 31. 3. will explore selected type buildings.
Kategorie: Veranstaltung, WorkshopPublished on: 23. May 2023
The GDR produced highly typified load-bearing structures based on standardised building elements, which were in turn combined in type buildings. The workshop will focus on the phenomenon of state-led building typification in East Germany, with a consideration of West German type building for contextualisation. In addition to an insight into materials, constructions and development mechanisms, the constructive side of building in the GDR will be addressed and its worthiness of preservation discussed, away from the classical history of architecture and urban development.
The workshop will take place from 29.-31 3. 2023 at the Bauhaus University Weimar. A one-day excursion on 31. 3. will explore selected type buildings.
Workshop Cluster D – „Lightweight Roof Support Structures of the High Modern Age“
Kategorie: Veranstaltung, WorkshopPublished on: 5. August 2021
Weimar – Bad Blankenburg – Erfurt
In Weimar, the members of the subprojects DENKRAUM (D1) and Brett- und Bohlenbinder (D2), which are connected in the cluster D, met for a two-day workshop at the Bauhaus University. In lectures and discussions common questions and topics of the two subprojects were worked out, especially with regard to the current SPP annual topic Building at the Limit. In addition, excursions to interesting roof structures of high modernism in Weimar and the surrounding area were undertaken.
Kategorie: Veranstaltung, WorkshopPublished on: 7. January 2022
On September 09, 2021, the Institute of Building Preservation and Structure and the Institute of Steel Construction at TU Braunschweig invited Cluster C to a one-day workshop. All subprojects, Innovation system of the steel industry (C1), Physical models in civil engineering (C2), Mass Monument Industrial Hall (C3) and lightweight steel and metal structures in the GDR (C4), were represented. In additionAntonia Zöllner M.Sc. participated with her associated project Above-Ground Structures of the Rammelsberg.
Workshop Cluster A – „Railway bridges“
Kategorie: Veranstaltung, WorkshopPublished on: 26. November 2021
On October 22, 2021, the Institute of Solid Structures of TU Dresden hosted a hybrid workshop on the topic of dealing with historic railroad bridges. The workshop, which was held with the participation of invited guests on site in Dresden and in the form of a parallel online conference, was aimed at the participants of the thematic cluster A (railroad bridges) of SPP 2255, which is composed of the two subprojects „Monuments in the Network “ (A1) and „Holistic Evaluation of Steel Railway Bridges“ (A2).
Workshop “History of construction technology and history of technology – cognitive interest, topics and methods in dialog”
Kategorie: Veranstaltung, WorkshopPublished on: 5. July 2024
The history of building technology and the history of technology are sister disciplines. However, there is hardly any exchange. Scientific contacts, joint conferences or even projects are rare exceptions. There is an unmistakable difference in their research interests, topics and methods. But this is precisely where the potential of the encounter lies: the different emphases can also be seen as mutually enriching. There is much to learn from each other!
Kategorie: Veranstaltung, WorkshopPublished on: 29. August 2022
The “strategy and method laboratories” (SuMupLABs) are one of the central event formats to promote interdisciplinary exchange in the SPP 2255. They are explicitly aimed at the processors in the individual sub-projects of the SPP.
The SuMupLAB 2022 takes the participants to the former airfield Cottbus-Nord. The site, which was used by the military from 1933 to 2003, is currently undergoing forced expansion into a commercial location in the context of structural change in Lausitz. This raises crucial questions about the future authenticity of an ensemble of five aircraft hangars that are unique in Germany.
Kategorie: Veranstaltung, WorkshopPublished on: 29. July 2021
Überherrn, Ortsteil Felsberg
Die „Strategie- und Methodenlabore“ (SuMupLABs) sind eines der zentralen Veranstaltungsformate zur Förderung des interdisziplinären Austauschs im SPP 2255. Sie richten sich explizit an den Bearbeiterinnen und Bearbeiter in den einzelnen Teilprojekten des SPP.
Das erste SuMupLAB 2021 führte die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer in die ehem. Sendehalle von Radio Europe 1 im Saarland. Das 1954/55 errichtete Bauwerk steht exemplarisch für das erste Jahresthema des SPP 2255 – „Bauen am Limit“. Der lichtdurchflutete Bau wird von einer gut 80 m weit frei spannenden Hängeschale überdacht, in deren spannungsreicher Baugeschichte die Grenzen des technisch Beherrschbaren in dramatischer Weise offenbar wurden.