Workshop “Integrity of the cultural heritage of construction – monument balancing of the ultra-modern construction heritage”

The sub-projects A1 (Christina Krafczyk), C1 (Torsten Meyer) and C2 (Andreas Putz) jointly conceived and realized the workshop “Integrity of the cultural heritage of construction—Balancing of monuments of high modern construction heritage”, which took place on 21 and 22 November 2023 at the TU Munich. Starting point were two specific aspects of cultural heritage construction: its network structures (infrastructures, wide-ranging functional and personal networks) and its inevitable changeability (necessity of adaptation as continuously “functioning” parts of networks). Whenever such heritage cannot be clearly defined in terms of space or time, questions arise regarding the capability to communicate its history as well as the soundness of its structural coherencies, its history of usage and its value as a testimony.

The aim of the workshop was to create a common basis for the thematic discussion with inpust by four invited speakers—Sabine Kuban (State Office for Monument Preservation Baden-Württemberg), Reto Bieli (SBB), Eugen Brühwiler (EPF Lausanne) and Ulrich Knufinke (Lower Saxony State Office for Monument Preservation). In this respect, the day was initially dominated by discussing the different arguments. This was followed by working in small groups, which on the one hand showed that with regard to specific values of the cultural heritage construction, the term “integrity” seems more purposeful than that of “authenticity”, which had been at the center of SPP 2255’s Think Tank 2022 in Dessau.

The two discussion formats aimed at developing a position statement on the topic of the integrity of the cultural heritage of construction. After incorporating comments from the participants, the paper will be continuously updated by the event organizers. The revised and supplemented paper is intended to stimulate discussions within SPP 2255 and, in the medium term, will also be passed on to colleagues in the monument preservation offices in order to meet the core concern of SPP 2255—a broader view on the cultural heritage of construction.

Bahrebach Mill Viaduct near Chemnitz-Borna. (Photo: Wikimedia/Kolossos, 2010 CC BY-SA 3.0)

Participants of the workshop. (Photo: SPP 2255)

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