The third annual meeting was already the last joint event of the DFG Priority Program Cultural Heritage Construction in the first funding phase. Lectures, discussion panels and site visits provided ample opportunities to look beyond disciplinary boundaries. This time, the focus of the professional exchange was on the annual theme 2023, “Enhancing the High Modern“.

Common Ground #3 – Structural framework
For the third time, the researchers from the various sub-projects, who originate from different disciplinary backgrounds, met for their own event in the run-up to the annual meeting of SPP 2255. Supported by external speakers, the “Common Ground” workshop serves to create common ground with regard to the core disciplines of the SPP. After the focus was on the history of structural engineering in Cottbus in 2021 and the preservation of historical monuments in Dessau in 2022, this time on 4 July 2023 important aspects of structural strengthening were dealt with in the rooms of the Institute for Steel Construction at the TU Braunschweig and on site.

Thinking Workshop “Empowering High Modernity
The public think tank 2023 on the annual theme “Upgrading the ultra-modern” in the Braunschweig House of Science on 6 and 7 July 2023 formed the intellectual centre of gravity of the annual meeting of all participants in SPP 2255. Based on ecological, historical and also psychological principles, a wide range of aspects of upgrading buildings were presented and intensively discussed. In addition to the repair of historical structures, the specific problems of structures in large infrastructure networks and energy aspects in building construction were also discussed. Finally, contributions on the intensified monitoring of existing structures, among others from the context of the DFG priority programme 2388 “Hundert Plus” (Hundred Plus), offered an outlook on possibilities to avoid retrofitting to a large extent.

Excursions to the cultural heritage of construction in Braunschweig and Wolfsburg
As at the previous annual meetings, an intensive programme of excursions under expert guidance enabled us to deal directly with buildings and constructions from the era of high modernism. On the evening of 5 July, the programme included a visit to the former Braunschweig steam locomotive repair works (now used by the locomotive park of the Braunschweiger Verkehrsfreunde association), which was set up at the end of the 1920s, and a joint dinner in the historic heating shed.

The morning of 6 July was dedicated to late-modern urban buildings in Braunschweig, which had been badly damaged during the war. First, the currently largely unused Stadthalle (1962-65, Arch. Heido Stumpf and Peter Voigtländer, engineers Georg Lewenton and Ernst Werner) from the cellar to the impressive steel structure above the large hall. Tobias Festerling from DB Station & Service AG then explained the complex framework conditions in the context of the ongoing renovation work at Braunschweig Central Station with its striking reception building (1959/60, Arch. Erwin Dürkop).

To conclude the annual meeting, the participants finally went to Wolfsburg on the afternoon of 7 July, where the Alvar Aalto House of Culture (1958-62, Arch. Alvar Aalto, Ing. Heinrich Bendorf), which has been preserved in a remarkably original condition, was examined in detail during a guided tour organised by the local Forum Architektur. After a walk through the pedestrian zone, which is characterised by late modern planning, the event finally took place at the spectacular Science Center phæno (2001-05, Arch. Zaha Hadid Architects with Mayer & Bährle; Ing. Adams Kara Taylor and Tokarz Frerichs Leipold) after intensive discussions on the constructional challenges and problems there.

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