News: Establishment of the International Working Group “Theory, Methodology and Practice of Railway Heritage Preservation”

During the first funding phase (2021 – 2023), close cooperation had already been established between sub-projects A1 and A2 of the “Railway Cluster” in SPP 2255 and the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) heritage conservation department. On the initiative of our Swiss colleagues, a joint working group on “Theory, Methodology and Practice of Railway Heritage Conservation” met for the first time at ETH Zurich. SPP 2255 was represented by two colleagues from the field of heritage conservation (Ulrich Knufinke, Hanover, SP C3 / F1, and Hans-Rudolf Meier, Weimar, SP H2) and the coordinator (Werner Lorenz, Cottbus, SP A2).

In June 2022, the SBB specialist unit had already organized a three-day “Symposium on Railway Heritage Preservation” in cooperation with the Chair of Construction Heritage and Monument Preservation at ETH Zurich, in which SPP 2255 was also significantly involved. The now established working group has set itself the goal of combining the results of this conference with the findings from the scientific work of SPP 2255 and the day-to-day practice of the SBB specialist unit in a position paper.

The first day focused on the legal framework and the potential impact of a position paper. After the introductory presentation by two Swiss colleagues, a wide-ranging discussion developed in which possible formats of the position paper and the respective legal binding force of such “soft law” were examined. The further discussion then addressed in particular the specifics in which railroad heritage conservation differs from other fields of heritage conservation – its inherently systemic character, the significance of the permanent transformation processes of the railroads and the resulting, often only temporary existence and, last but not least, the long-term nature of railroad planning and the associated inter-generational negotiation processes: We are negotiating issues now that may not be finally implemented for another two or three decades!

On the second day, the participants initially formed small discussion groups on individual topics; in the afternoon, everyone came together again for a final discussion. Among other things, the focus here was on the question of the particularly complex dimensions of monument value in the railroad system.

As a result of the remarkably fruitful discussions, it was agreed that, in view of the outstanding importance and topicality of the preservation of railroad monuments, a new charter of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) should be drawn up with the position paper, which for the first time addresses precisely this sub-area. Over the next few months, individual topics from the paper will be explored in greater depth and advanced in online formats. The working group will then meet again in Zurich at the end of November 2024 to consolidate the results achieved so far.

Fachwerkbrücke (1904) über den Ticino zwischen Cadenazzo und Riazzino. (© SBB AG, Fachstelle Denkmalpflege, Foto: Reto Gadola.)

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