News “Baukammer Berlin podcast about the art of engineering – hidden structures”

Here, the art of engineering – which (often) lies hidden – is made visible. The podcast of the Baukammer Berlin reports on masterful constructions that are often hidden behind beautiful facades and the opportunity to experience 15 exciting buildings from Berlin virtually, via web app and in 3D on and how the idea of the book (Ingenieurbauführer Berlin) led to the creation of the website.

The interviewees are:

  • Dr. Ralf Ruhnau – President of the Berlin Chamber of Construction and
  • Prof. Werner Lorenz – by BTU Cottbus, SPP 2255, one of the authors of the website
  • Moderation Jessica Witte Winter

konstruktiv – Magazin der Baukammer Berlin 02|24

On pages 14 to 19 you can read many additional facts about the hidden structure project and the good cooperation between SPP 2255 and the Berlin Chamber of Construction.


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