Night of Creative Minds Cottbus NdkK 2024

On October 12, 2024, it was time again for the Night of Creative Minds, throughout Cottbus and especially at the Brandenburg University of Technology. The DFG priority program SPP2255 Cultural Heritage Construction offered the opportunity to explore the ultra-modern and its hidden structures and constructions via touch screen and 3D interactive technology on the 2nd floor of the IKMZ.We would like to thank visitors young and old for their immense interest in the hidden structures and the many lively discussions!


Es kann losgehen! Nadine Kunath und Simone Claudia Hamm freuen sich auf die Besucher! (Foto Nadine Kunath)

Kleine Entdecker der hidden structures (Foto Simone Claudia Hamm)

Das IKMZ bei Nacht (Foto Nadine Kunath)


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